Archives de novembre, 2014

…Or another after, it depends on you.

Anyway how to use the toilet with a meringue and a huge troll without getting dirty?  Because the brides are all the same: we choose a wedding dress with tulle huge in every sense, the volume could be used for a large troop of scouts through blizzard and a few days before the wedding, the same question comes to your mind: how i would be able to pee with (and without flooding my Jimmy Choo shoes 700 €)?

So in an article on my own blog, I have already told you about the technique used to my own wedding, but I discovered that there were others ones, probably much more practical than showing her ass to her honorary bridesmaid. Yes, there is two techniques that allow you to pee with your wedding dress ONLY (not need waxing bikini, isn’t life great ? ).


Method 1: sit on the toilet in front

First of all thank to this nice bride to have throne a picture of her on the internet, great class. Here, the first condition requires that the toilets are clean because trying to do it standing could be very risky for your legs (those who have already tried to pee standing « like a man » will understand me). Then it must also be the ground (so no mixed toilet for the guys who would create a right mess ). And I confess that if you ever wanted to know what it was like to pee against the wall you can boast of having tried it.

Success rate of the technique: 95%


Method 2: the trash bag

Here’s another style. Not necessarily more convenient or requires advance preparation, but I think less risky, especially as we have said previously, the bathroom floor is dirty. For this you will need a trash bag (at least 130 liters) in which you will make a hole (not too big, just enough to get your legs). Then you only have to put the while making sure that no pieces of tulle (or simply your wedding dress) does make the trunk by one side. Now you just have to keep the bag with your hands and find relief,,.

Success rate of the technique: 70%

And you, what is your technique?

article écrit par la mariée en colère et proposé par


La grande tendance mariage est au photobooth: on accueille les invités avec de petits accessoires pour les photographier et leur laisser un souvenir inoubliable.

Cette petite cérémonie mettra vos invités dans une ambiance joyeuse immédiatement.

Prévoyez pour votre décoration des housses de chaises ,des nappes et différents accessoires assortis aux couleurs que vous avez choisi.

Dans les grandes tendances il y a également le candy bar: espace libre service de diverses friandises et bonbons en tout genre.

Si vous vous sentez un peu perdue, il existe des blogs qui vous guideront dans vos diverses étapes comme

ou où, sous le ton de l’humour vous trouverez des tonnes d’idées.

C’est la grande époque des déstockages sur les sites pour laisser de la place aux nouveautés déco 2015 qui vont arriver prochainement, la période idéale pour choisir son livre d’or, son coussin porte alliances et autres déco art de la table mariage.

Ces sites vous proposeront également des décorations de table sublimes pour vos réveillons et fêtes de fin d’année pour la maison ou au bureau.